Eagle is a CAD software used to design circuit schematics and board layouts. It's available as a freeware through their website. The free version is limited to 2 layered board designs.
Two other useful downloads are The Sparkfun component Library and the PCB G-Code. You can add the Sparkfun Library by dropping the file into /EAGLE-6.4.0/lbr. And the PCB Gcode into /EAGLE-6.4.0/ulp
As a starting point I downloaded David Mellis' Schematic (fabisp.sch) and Board (fabisp.brd) files from the link in Neil's Lecture page Link
Once you have either of the files open, it will automatically open the other. You can switch between the schematic and the board views with this symbol .
Starting a new project would be done on the schematics page by selecting the correct components from the library, placing them in an appropriate loacation and joining the correct wiries. The schematic can then be used to create the circuit board. This process will be attempted in the following weeks, once a greater understanding of circuit design has come to me.
As a begginners exercise I tried to alter the overall shape of the board and relocate the USB traces. In order to do this I had to take the following steps
The outcome:
You can see that I extended 2 of the traces from the usb inwards to make soldering easier
The exported image:
PCB Gcode Eagle add-on